In 1989 we began to education services as family
coorpration Until 1999 we called as Özcem
Drvivng Course in Sirinevler and Gungoren . In 2003 we
register our firm as Aydın Sarı which is the name of
our firms establisher. We go on our services as this
name after than. Until 2005 18.000 person took their licence from us. Exams average rates is 80% through our experienced teachers.Sometimes our candidates take 100 rate in every exams so we reward them by giving a gold. We give driving training by simulator before drive in real traffic. Also our class have air condition. Our driving training takes ten days. Fisrt 5 days trainings are given in circus ring and last 5 days are in real traffic.We carry our candidates to circus ring and exam areas by our services. Our first aim is to give the best education in both of practical and teorical. First aid lessons are given by educationalists.Also motor and traffic lessons ar given by experienced teachers who are workd in this sector for years.
Customer satisfaction is very important for our
firm.Our cars which are used in A1 , A2 B , C
, D , E and H class are the latest design.