First Aid Lesson Subjects


Accident: It is an casualty which happen suddenly and end with deaths injuries or  material damages. Traffic accidents work accidents etc. are some kinds

Disaster: It is natural  event that  there is no intention and ends with life and property loses. Some of them are earthquake deluges etc.

Traffic Accident:It is an accident event that occurs in roads by cars and ends with death an injuries. Drivres cause mıost of the accidents.Inthe inner city childrens old people and pedestrians are affected by the injuries mostly.

Faults of the drivres are exceed speed drinking and driving , driving in wakeful etc.

 "First Aid Service " number is 112



First Aid : It means that life saving intermeddings which has done in the accident area during time to make an medical intermedding

Aim of First Aid: Try to save the life of injured persons

While making the S.O.S calling firstly note that conditions and number of the injured persons. The massage must be short clear and understandable. But S.O.S calling must be done after taking acuse about injured persons life.


6 level in First Aid:

1- To carry the injured person to safety areas.

2- To diagnose

3- Do first aid

4- Communication
5- To transfer injured persons in order of priority
6- To transfer in suitable condition

Order of preference in first aid:

1:Non respirationed person

2: Hearth attack person

3: Shocked persons

Properties of First Aid :

1- To have first aid knowledges 

2- To act quickly

3- To use in good contions vehicles which have

4- To help the persons who is going to be die without no panic and  no flapped
It is statutory of obligation that to intermeddle the accident

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