A)Foreigns can driver turkish plate or foreign plate vehicle as the same driving calss in our country abide by an agreement
A) Except tourist and coming for a while ; foreigns who are in Turkiye for working or education must carry the copy of driving licence which can translated by the public notery or consuldate .
B) After return to country abide by agreements according to their desires driving licence can be changed without looking education or exam conditions
But , Turkish people if do not change thier driving licence after returns in a year they can not be drive during change of it
During Changing;
1- Except education and exam conditions , age ,health and not be sentenced from determined crimes conditions are searched
Abide by an agreements there is no researches for the people who have diplomatic privilege .Their announcements are enough.
2 - During the application all process done and additional to them ;
a) Original copy of foreign driving licence and noterial copy is wanted together. After controlled by the authorized original one given back to owner.
b) Provisionally taking driving licence can not be changed with the international ones.
c) If there is some suspects about driving licence original one Security General Directorates opinions are taken with the original one and noterial copy.
3 - People whose driving licence changed if want to increase their licence before changing they take the exams. .
But be older than 22 years condition is searched for C,D and E class.
2015-05-21T23:00 Traffic Process (Foreign Driving Licence )