Speed Limits:
   Speed limits determined by laws according to kind and usage aims ın intercity higways  90 km/h, highways 120 km/h  (Changed: 17. 10. 1996 - 4199/21 md.) Ministry of Interior is an authority that to change these limit for autos 20km/h Minimum and maximum limit signs are put the places when necessery by related coorporations.These limits will be increae or decrease by the coorporations which are authorized. These new limits will be announced
Hız sınırlarına uyma:
   Drivers must obey the speed limits which are determinde by rules if there is no changes which are determined. (Changed:25.05.1997 - 4262/4 md.) If it is determined that anybody exceed the speed limit they will be punished with fine (Changed: 17.10.1996 - 4199/22 md.).Driving licence can taken back for a year  if the driver exceed speed limit 5more times in a year . After a year if
psychiatrist  approve there is no reason curb drivers can take their licence back

To accord speed limits:

  Drivers :
a)Decrease speed when to get closer cross roads,  turns ,head over heels pedestrian roads level crossings , tunnels and maintanence areas.  b) To set their speed as to their loadings ,techical speacialities  road and weather  conditions c) To give enough distances wile folling the other cars.
d) to give enough distances while driving with a group. (changed:25.05.1997 - 4262/4 md.) people who dont obey these rules punished with fine

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