Passed vehicle driver if takes
signals from passers:
1- Drive closer to right side
in two lane roads,
2- Follow his own lane which
is in in roads which have more than 4 lanes,
3- Not to increase his speed ,
4- In narrow roads to help
passers and if it is necessary stop or pause until passing will end.
It is forbbiden to gice
signals to back which ahve pass meaning.
It is forbidden that not to
yield , to increase speed and to turn left during passing .
1- Right Turns
a- To give turn signals.
b- To enter the right lane or
allowed lane for turning.
c- To decrease speed.
d- Turn with narrow curve.
e- To give first passing right
to pedestrians and bcycle drivers.
2- Left Turns
a- To give turn signals.
b- To enter the left lane or
allowed lane for turning. .
c- To decrease speed.
d- To give first passing
rights to vehicles which come from right or oncoming.
e- Turn with wide curve
f- To give first passing right
to pedestrians and bcycle drivers.
g- To enter the suitable lane
except the most right lane