Traffic and Enviroment

Drivres who get closer to crossroads musr decrease their speed, be careful and to give first passing rights to vehicles who have passing rights.

First passing rights in crossings where do not have traffic police , lightened traffic signs or traffic roadpost ;

1- All vehicle to vehicle which have first passing right,

2- To tramcars
3- Vehicles which are coming from tramcar road to main road must gie passing right vehicles which are in main road.

4- Vehicles which are entered divided roads to vehicles in this road,

5- Vehicles which come from ride road to main road give passing rights to vehicles in main road. T

6- Drivers who are out of turned crossroads to in the crossroads.

7- Vehicles which are giong out from estate to highway to vehicles in high way ,

8- Turning vehicles to passing vehicles

9- Non motor vehicle drivers to vehicle drivers,

10- Drivers of working machines to other drivers.

11- Lewft side drivers to right side drivers.

It is forbidden that to decrease speed in needlessly, to stop to get out of vehicle in crossroads.


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Determined vehicles are not in to restrictions and probitions in the course of duty only if not not put in danger persons and goods security.

Vehicles which have first passing rights:

1- Ambulances(red-blue or blue centre center light)
2- Fire engines(red centre center light)
3- Police engines(red-blue or blue centre center light)
4- Civil defence vehicles(red-blue or blue centre center light)

5-Road construction vehicles and ice meddling vehicles(blue centre center light)

6-Defender and defented vehicles(blue centre center light)
If these vehicles meet together they must use first passing right as listed above.

Drivers when hear or see the signs of first passing right vehicel must open the lane and if it is necessary wait until their passing.


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