drivres and passengers due to all accidents during
journey in international or inter city journeys
Confiscate of an Accident
Confiscate by police or county
police for "Accident fact fiding report" which determines the reasons signs and
proof of accidents
1-To open the road if road is
closed to traffic.
2- To take preventive measures
for any additional dangers.
3-To make first aid and
transfer the closest hospital of injured persons.
4- To police of goods
5- To fill Accident fact
fiding reportT
Responsibilities of persons
who get into an accident :
1-Stop and take acuses for
traffic safety
2-Not to change conditions in
accident area
3-To inform the officer in
charges and not to leave from accident area
4-Litigators must inform their
adress and id cards , show their driving and traffic forms and give informations
about them
5-If the accidents end only
real injuries litigators can
leave from accident area only
if there is written agreement between them
Responsibilities of persons
who pass by accident area
1-To take first aid acuses
2- To inform the accident to
nearest police station and hospital
3- To carry victim of accidents to hospitals if officers wanted. |